Physical Education

ALL from left: Ms Agnes Leong . Mr Harry Goh . Mrs Tan Yan Ping . Mr Kenneth Ho . Mr Daniel Kuan . Mr Daryl Chan . Ms Stephanie Lim . Ms Fiona Tan
The PE-CCA Programme
The CHIJ PE Programme has the importance objectives of:
Giving students a holistic understanding of sports through a theoretical approach, e.g. sports science incorporation, role of sports in society, fair play, etc.
Teaching various sports and games through the Games Concepts Approach (GCA).
Imbuing positive character traits, such as teamwork, leadership and perseverance.
PE Evaluation @ CHIJ
The PE Evaluation @ CHIJ programme aims to provide students with an indication of their progress in various Physical Education and Health –related competencies, including, but not limited to, knowledge of health- and fitness-related issues, management of one's Body Mass Index and games-related skills and knowledge.
The sports-related competencies that the students will be evaluated on will be based on the three main Games Categories of Invasion/Territorial Games, Net/Wall Games and Striking/Fielding Games.
Sec 2 Outdoor Adventure Camp
The sec 2 Adventure Camp provides a platform for students to:
experience the outdoors at a safe and suitable campsite.
experience leadership opportunities through team work in various outdoor scenarios.
experience some high elements courses.
prepare for their OBS experience in Sec 3.