Life Skills

BACK from left: Mrs Seah-Tay Hwee Kheng. Mr Teo Wen Jie
MIDDLE from left: Ms Ida Nursanti. Mrs Eugenia Tan. Ms Norshidah Abdul Rahim. Ms Jesslyn Winata. Mr Rashid Jeffery
FRONT from left: Ms Natalie Chung. Mdm Laura Goh
SEATED: Mr Leon Yeo
Vision Statement
The Lifeskills Department aims to inculcate knowledge and skills to every student, providing them with the opportunity to make informed choices which will develop them into a Woman of Distinction.
Design & Technology
Design and Technology is part of a holistic broad-based education. It is a compulsory project-based subject in the lower secondary school curriculum. Design and Technology anchors on design action and application of knowledge and design process.
The lower secondary Design and Technology syllabus aims to enable pupils to:
develop an awareness of design in the made-world;
develop an appreciation of function, aesthetics and technology in design;
develop basic design thinking and communication skills;
experience the process of realising design through making and
think creatively to become autonomous decision makers.
Pupils are engaged in design-and-make activities. Designs are adapted to their abilities, interest and design context. Pupils will then make use of wood and plastics to make the products that they have designed and apply skills such as sawing, filing, drilling, polishing, bending and joining.
The syllabus for lower secondary pupils has been revised to incorporate Interior Design with the Product Design syllabus.
In Product Design, all pupils are taught the design process and they use the design process to design and make products.
They are also taught theory on processes, such as sawing, filing, drilling, surface finishing and joining.
Secondary 2 Express pupils are taught Isometric Drawing to enable them to be able to sketch 3dimensional design ideas.
Secondary 2 Normal Academic pupils are taught Oblique Drawing to enable them to be able to sketch 3-dimensional design ideas.
In Interior Design, pupils learnt the basic theory
such as, Materials, Lighting, Colour, Furniture, Accessories used in Interior
Secondary 1 pupils are taught to design rooms using Goggle Sketch-up.
Secondary 2 pupils designed and made scale-down cardboard models of rooms.
# Secondary One
Product Design – Secondary 1E pupils designed and made Wooden Torchlight Keychains
Product Design – Secondary 1NA pupils designed and made Wooden Keychains
Interior Design – Secondary 1 pupils designed their own bedrooms with the Goggle Sketch-up.
# Secondary Two
Product Design – Secondary 2E pupils designed and made Wooden and Acrylic products.
Product Design – Secondary 2 NA pupils designed and made Acrylic Clocks
Interior Design – Secondary 2E and 2 NA pupils designed and made cardboard models of rooms with allocated Interior Design Styles.
Elements of Business Skills
In Elements of Business Skills, students are taught to develop basic understanding of the business activities in three main industries – travel and tourism, hospitality and retail. They will be equipped with basic marketing concepts and customer relations skills and explore the employability for working in these industries. In CHIJ, students embark on a series of Learning Journeys such as the Hippo Hop-on-hop-off tour and factory tours and workshops which in the airline services industry to apply their conceptual, analytical and evaluative skills to make sound justifiable decisions.
Food & Consumer Education
FCE in the 21st century is designed with the social and economic landscape of Singapore in mind, both current and future. We take into consideration new lifestyles and consumer trends, and therefore, the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of our students related to health and financial management.
Our department aims to equip students with the knowledge about diet and health, so that they could be more discerning in choosing nutritious food for good health and be informed of the benefits of a balanced meal as the girls are making more food choices while parents are busy at work. Students will also be equipped with food management skills where they will be taught culinary skills to be self-sufficient in planning and preparing healthy meals for themselves and their family. At the same time, students will also learn to be appreciative of the diversity of food from different cultures in Singapore. The department uses the EEEA (Engage, Explore, Explain and Apply) Inquiry Approach to provide authentic and discovery learning for the students where they learn to demonstrate critical thinking skills in comparing and applying prior knowledge learnt and this will enable them to see the interconnectedness of ideas resulting in a more meaningful learning experience.
Principles of Accounts
The main objective of the department is to develop the knowledge and analytical skills of the students and to inculcate values and attitudes to enable them to succeed as competent, ethical individuals in the practice of accounting and make financial decision for themselves, in business, government and non-profit making organisations.