
BACK from left: Mr Tan Yee Ping. Mr Joen Chen. Mr Ernest Leong. Ms Balvinder Kaur. Mrs Tan Kai Ling. Ms Bernice Loon. Mdm Cheng Ai Hoon. Mr Brian Ho. Mrs Teresa Francis. Mr Tristan Fernandez
FRONT from left: Mr Titus Chang. Ms Alvina Chua. Ms Hemavathy Anbalagan. Ms Karina Sheri
NOT IN PHOTO: Ms Linda Cruz. Ms Chelza Chong, Mr Joseph Tham
History, Geography & Social Studies
Mission Statement
To nurture curious individuals who:
harness critical thinking, creativity and social intelligence to solve societal problems;
empathise with others while exercising integrity and
possess a strong sense of citizenry while adapting to global demands and challenges.
Archaeological Dig (History)
Creating a Mini Rain Garden (Geography)
Model United Nations (Social Studies)